Nother Realm

Ep. 29: Pre-Trial Motions (The Neverthere: Trial of the Wolf)

August 14, 2023 Nother Brothers Season 1 Episode 29

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The day of the trial quickly approaches as our party tries to figure out their next moves. Osiris makes a halfling strip, Archie reconnects with his past, Six gets light-headed, and Margbark's sword tingles. Court is almost in session.

Theme song by Ryan Springman.


Speaker 1:

Another realm is a narrative-driven tabletop role-playing game podcast. For this season we're using the Dungeons Dragons 5e rules. Hmm, kinda Sometimes the language on this podcast can get a little spicy, but if that doesn't bother you, my name is Will and I play Six. I'm Bruce and I'm the voice of Archie.

Speaker 3:

I'm Frazier and I play Mark Mark Smith.

Speaker 4:

My name is Emily and I'm the voice of Osiris T-sun.

Speaker 5:

And I'm your Game Master, tanner, and this is what happened on the last episode of Another Realm, the Never there.

Speaker 4:

I knew I shouldn't have stayed with these guys. Now I'm stuck in prison with these knuckleheads I barely know and a big half-orc that wants to marry me, and I don't even have my book to guide me. I have to get that back. To make matters worse, they just took Archie to Solitary in 6-2.uh. Well, they found out Six is not a normal human, so who knows what they're doing to him right now? Mark Mark and I tried to make friends with the guards. Well, I tried, but Mark Mark was at least a good distraction. Now I'm a rat trying to desperately get my book back from the guards. Maybe I can find a way out for us too. But either way, sardo just shut the door. Alright, wish me luck, because there's no going back.

Speaker 5:

Welcome to jail, motherfuckers. It's time to finally find resolution. I don't know if we can post this on YouTube because you can't have the F word in the first bit, but hey, we had an intro recap, right. So we're good, everything's golden. We are in jail. Everyone's a little bit separated. Mark Mark, you're still in a cell after bonking our little friend's head to the bars and him leaving, allowing Osiris to get out the door and go into a room where you can't see anything. Six is in a testing facility being operated upon ad nauseam that was fun for me to say and Archie is in a place that criminals can go to really think about things, solitary. However, he has received a visit from his best friend ever yeah, best friend, best friend, anees. We love Anees. Oliver Hadley.

Speaker 2:

So much that one day I'm going to own his heart.

Speaker 3:

I mean Literally literally in a jar.

Speaker 1:

Let's try to do that thing where we cut his heart out and it beats in front of his face hole. You want to, indiana Jones?

Speaker 5:

him no, no, no, no. What do?

Speaker 2:

you do what is bloody.

Speaker 5:

I don't know what that is. Oh no, I do know what that is. I hate that.

Speaker 4:

I don't know any of these.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, what it is Wait, wait, wait. Don't look it up, Emily. Have you seen Indiana Jones?

Speaker 3:

I saw a porn once called in Diana Jones.

Speaker 6:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 5:

Is that the same Wow?

Speaker 1:

We have taken a detour. No.

Speaker 6:

I have not seen it, let's resolve. She was wearing a really cool.

Speaker 3:

Hat had a whip and all man. It was good.

Speaker 5:

Oh, she's like Dominatrix. All right, hey, let's resolve some things that aren't funny. Funny, ha ha's the first of which we ended the last episode on Osiris. You've snuck up these stairs as a rat and you were basically let into the next room by a good old friend, Sardo, who yelled at you for being a rabid little piece of crap rat. But when you entered the other room, Avonelle of Everatum is up here flipping through your journal. Oh, no.

Speaker 5:

But he's behind a desk at the far side of this room. Looks like he's on his break going through some good old words. A couple questions for you. So the book we discussed last time has words in it, but they aren't written in common.

Speaker 4:

I said they were draconic. All right, cool. Does homeboy know draconic?

Speaker 5:

I'm not going to tell you whether or not he knows draconic.

Speaker 4:

Well shit, I really didn't think I'd get this far. I thought I would have been caught and like thrown back in.

Speaker 5:

Sardo is very concerned about your presence at this point because you're a stinky little jail rat.

Speaker 4:

Well, I would personally like to skitter away as far as possible into. Is there a can I can I roll for to see if I see like a crevice or a crack in the wall that I can squeeze my little way into?

Speaker 5:

Roll for to see, to see if your first seed can see a crack in the room.

Speaker 4:

For see, to see.

Speaker 5:

What would that be like? A?

Speaker 4:

I guess a perception or.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that'll be perception OK.

Speaker 6:

How that one face.

Speaker 4:

It's a six total. Oh, um, there are no. No, it's a plus three, plus thing.

Speaker 5:

OK, ok, I mean not nice, but there's a lot of places you can go in this room. There are bookshelves, there are a few pieces of furniture, none of them that really cover up that much of the floor. There is a pair of boots over on the side that perhaps you could hide in. But Sardo probably see if you go into that. But as far as, like any places, you could squeeze in and try and get out of the way of something they're not going to be able to move, you don't immediately see that.

Speaker 4:

Does it look like he's about to take care of my rat ass?

Speaker 5:

That's a really weird way to put it, but yes, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I would like to skitter behind a book on the bookshelf.

Speaker 5:

OK, you make your way over to a bookshelf as Sardo goes and grabs a broom from the corner.

Speaker 4:

Oh no, please don't do that. Um shit.

Speaker 2:

You are about to be swept away, Avonel.

Speaker 5:

Avonel, there's a rat a rat behind the bookshelf.

Speaker 4:

Can you give me a like description of the room that I'm in? Are there any other doors? Is there a hallway?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I can give you a description. That's my job, thank you.

Speaker 4:

Bestie. You know, there's one other door.

Speaker 5:

It's over on the right and it is not open.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 5:

No windows in here. It is just another position for jail cell monitoring.

Speaker 4:

I want out. I want out. I want to not go back to jail and I don't want to get caught. I want out. Um, ok, so I'm just going to pretend like I'm not there anymore and behind the books. Now I'm disappeared. You can't see me, ok, roll stealth. Oh, I'm a very stealthy girl. With your rat.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you got rat stats.

Speaker 5:

Rat stat. Can someone give me a rat fact while she looks at her rat stats?

Speaker 3:

Did you know that rats, if they can put their head through it, they can get their whole body through it?

Speaker 1:

Dude, nice rat fact. Did you know that rats like cheese so much that they're willing to die for it? Rat fact.

Speaker 4:

OK, it's a plus. It's like you know, it's a plus zero. I rolled a 16.

Speaker 5:

Sardo doesn't seem to know where exactly, like what shelf you skitter behind or what books you went behind, so he just starts whacking all the books off of these shelves. Um, he just starts swinging. Um, we'll go ahead and say there are 10 shelves on here. I'm going to take a d 10. You go ahead and give me a number. If he rolls that, then he. Then he spots the shelf that you're on. Every time we do that, you can go ahead and make a new decision on what you want to do. That's a 12.

Speaker 4:

Oh wait, so we're doing this multiple times yeah.

Speaker 5:

Until he hits you or you decide to do something else.

Speaker 4:

OK, I'm going to roll a d 10 and I'm going to just choose whatever it tells me and we'll go from there. Ok, I rolled a two. I'm on the second bottom.

Speaker 5:

He hits the ninth shelf. Thank God, all right. You get to make a decision on what you do, so you get a. You basically get an action between each of these. This is, this is this is combat.

Speaker 4:

I have nowhere to go. I have nowhere to go. Even if I run out of the bookshelf, he will still see me.

Speaker 3:

Go up his pants leg Really, he might not see you.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't know where you are now, like he saw you at the door because you rolled a bad stealth roll last time. Yeah, rats are fast.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to sit for another swing.

Speaker 5:

Five. He takes out the books on the fifth shelf.

Speaker 4:

All right. So as he's swinging, I'm going to crawl up his pants.

Speaker 5:

OK, nice. So you're going to jump off the shelf and try and skitter up his pants while he's aiming a three shells higher. Got it All right. So you run off and you start climbing up his leg. He immediately is aware.

Speaker 4:

Yes, what is he going to do, though? What, what, what he's got?

Speaker 5:

a red. You, just, you, just, you're just climbing up.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I'll get up to his thigh and I'll bite him.

Speaker 5:

OK, he starts smacking out his leg with the broom.

Speaker 7:

He's having a get it off, get it off.

Speaker 3:

Please tell me he punches himself in the nuts by really hope so.

Speaker 4:

I mean for nut punch.

Speaker 6:

You tell me you're rolling for it up.

Speaker 3:

Can I get a roll for nut?

Speaker 5:

punch. You know what, you know what. Let's make this fun and interesting.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 5:

I will play Sardo and will, because you asked me to roll. You can go ahead and DM this entire little bit.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, let's try this out. Absolutely, absolutely OK.

Speaker 2:

All right, you're playing Sardo, ok.

Speaker 1:

So Avril stands up and punches you straight in the face, no, no.

Speaker 4:

No Roll slide of hand for nut punch.

Speaker 3:

Never mind, we're losing the DM.

Speaker 2:

Avril stands up and goes. Sardo, I need you to calm down. It's just a rat.

Speaker 1:

Well then, on top of that, he says all right, we need to let all these prisoners go. Oh my God.

Speaker 4:

Tanner, you roll slide of hand for whether you punch your nuts or not, I'm going to roll. That's what I'm going to roll for survival OK.

Speaker 2:

Do you survive the?

Speaker 5:

testicle shot. Oh my God, all right, I'm bringing, I'm bringing, I'm taking the reins away from you people.

Speaker 1:

I'm pulling it back. Bruce was doing a good job. I was doing a good job, you should have known that that was going to be out of hand.

Speaker 4:

I thought, it was going to be fun. It was fun, it was very fun. I think we all had a good time.

Speaker 1:

It was very fun, except you oh my God.

Speaker 4:

I roll a 19 plus three for survival. You punch your nuts.

Speaker 6:

That's not how it even works. She's able to stay inside of his pant leg.

Speaker 2:

Now you have to roll to see if you can hit her.

Speaker 5:

What's your AC? What's your AC as a rat?

Speaker 2:

She's smaller than you, so you roll at disadvantage.

Speaker 4:

I rolled a four.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't beat a 10. You punch yourself in the leg. It doesn't feel great you punch yourself in the legs.

Speaker 6:

What do you do? Oh, Bruce is still DMing.

Speaker 1:

Let Bruce do it, let Bruce do his job.

Speaker 5:

All right, all right, tim DM powers. Ok, so we'll once again yell at Avanel Avanel, get it, and he'll try. And Sardo's going to take off his pants, he's just going to drop trowel. Oh, so Avanel turns away.

Speaker 2:

Oh so no, that is not orderly nor lawful for you to take your pants off in the Godhouse. Get the rat. No, I'm not. No, I'm going to stay here and read my book. You're being strange, you're being straight. I see no rat because I'm not looking. That's what Avanel says, all right.

Speaker 5:

Ok, let me take this back for a second, because now Avanel is distracted from the book. He set it back down on the table. Sardo has dropped trowel, so you are running up and down his hairy legs.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I'm still on his legs.

Speaker 5:

Oh, fuck You're still attached to his leg. I mean, you never said he jumped off.

Speaker 4:

OK, so I'm going to crawl up into his shirt.

Speaker 5:

Ok, instead of taking the DVA. Ok, yeah, he's going to try and do it again. Is he trying to climb up the shirt?

Speaker 2:

Sardo rose at disadvantage because she's small and he's a medium creature.

Speaker 5:

Great Doesn't matter. I rolled poorly. I rolled a six plus three for stealth into his shirt.

Speaker 4:

No, he sees you. That's a really bad roll.

Speaker 6:

That's not even a DC 10 being.

Speaker 2:

That's an easy DC. No, you failed.

Speaker 4:

So he's trying not to roll. I'm going up the shirt. He punches himself in the gut.

Speaker 5:

God, all right, you are.

Speaker 6:

We've been recording for 20 minutes and we don't have maybe 60 seconds

Speaker 4:

of use. This is great. This is great, all right.

Speaker 5:

You are now up his shirt. You are nowhere closer to your goal. Why are you raising your hand?

Speaker 4:

I want to bite his nipple oh my God, that's same.

Speaker 2:

So therefore, you roll at disadvantage, disadvantage.

Speaker 5:

Also, it's a high DC Sardo's into some stuff and has some what are?

Speaker 1:

the things that you put on it.

Speaker 3:

This has gone so awry oh my God, awry, awry.

Speaker 1:

That's a whole episode. Call back.

Speaker 5:

It really is Okay. All right, are you seriously? You're just going to continue to bite Sardo all over?

Speaker 4:

I want him to take his shirt off. I want to make the Arvanel guys uncomfortable as possible, all right.

Speaker 5:

Let's. Maybe he'll leave the room, maybe he'll walk out. A roll for shirt taking off.

Speaker 4:

I want to see if anybody leaves this room.

Speaker 1:

Hold on. It's time out, Emily. What was your purpose for coming into this room?

Speaker 4:

To find you were Archie. To find you were Archie, that's my goal.

Speaker 2:

Hey, tanner, are you still playing Avanel?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm going to get your book that Avanel has set down.

Speaker 6:

What's a little rat going?

Speaker 4:

to do with a book. Have you seen the pizza rat meme? The rat in.

Speaker 7:

New York City sewers yes, the whole big old piece.

Speaker 5:

Yes, all right, sardo takes his shirt off.

Speaker 4:

Nice. What's his name?

Speaker 5:

Avanel of Everatom.

Speaker 4:

Avanel. How does he feel about this?

Speaker 5:

How does Avanel feel about this?

Speaker 2:

All right, sardo, I asked you politely to please not strip nude into the Godhouse, so I'm going to go check on the prisoners with this book, thank you.

Speaker 4:

Oh shit.

Speaker 6:

Take this book.

Speaker 2:

And go into the jail because for some reason you are getting naked in the Godhouse and that is just chaotic.

Speaker 4:

If there's a rat in bit by nipple, it's nighttime right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we said it was night. We did Okay.

Speaker 4:

I'll just make it sure.

Speaker 5:

Cool. Sardo is fully stripped, except for his skivvies. Avanel is going downstairs with the book. What do you do, uh?

Speaker 4:

oh, I mean, if he's taking his shirt off, I'm going to jump down. I'm going to try to run with our, our, our, our, our, runelle, whatever his name is Avanel.

Speaker 3:

Avanel, avril Lavigne.

Speaker 4:

Avril Lavigne.

Speaker 2:

I knew it was coming. Avril Lavignevel.

Speaker 4:

I want to run with him.

Speaker 5:

Okay, you jump off Sardo, who is completely relieved at this point. Uh, and he grabs the broom again and starts chasing you with his pants around his ankles. It doesn't go well, but he maintains his balance and is just waddling along with shuffle pants.

Speaker 4:

Sardo is going to go home to his like family. I'm going to ask him like how his shift was his first shift on the job and he got smashed into some bars and then a rat bit his ass and it's going to be great and punch the telephone.

Speaker 3:

Ann is nipple.

Speaker 5:

All right, so Avanel has made his way downstairs. Um, I don't know if I gave a good description of Avanel last time, uh, but like many elves have ever autumn, he has long flowing auburn hair, uh, and he has nearly orange skin.

Speaker 4:

So this guy's a chat, okay.

Speaker 5:

He is nearly orange.

Speaker 6:

Nearly orange yeah, he's skin is like a bad spray tan.

Speaker 5:

Well, yeah he's very Trumpian.

Speaker 3:

Um, no, what is that? That's a nice comb over.

Speaker 5:

It's like the colors of fall. He's got like his just this nice, you know it's the man looks crisp.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's blond, got it.

Speaker 4:

I'm thinking.

Speaker 2:

Oompa loompa.

Speaker 4:

I'm thinking, oompa, we're sticking with the, we're sticking with the original plan of going back down. I'm going to try to run.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

With our average Avanel.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Avanel of ever autumn.

Speaker 5:

What's the?

Speaker 2:

what's the, what's the light like in here, tanner?

Speaker 5:

The light. Like the light is, um, it is only good for reading. In the far side, uh, from the uh, the sconces on the wall, um, mostly dim in here because they're trying to keep the fire away from the cells. So there's two torches up at the entrance, um on the stairs going down, so that's illuminated. And then on the far side there's a chair, uh underneath one uh torch on the wall.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go sit in that chair. I was going to go sit in that chair. Prop his feet up.

Speaker 5:

Read the book. Okay, he's going to potentially read the book. Um, what you notice, rat Girl, is that he is pretty enamored by what's in here. He's flipping through it and he's not like turning through each of the pages trying to figure some stuff out. He is reading this.

Speaker 4:

Well shit, so he's not going downstairs.

Speaker 5:

No, he's gone downstairs and he's sitting on the far side.

Speaker 4:

Did he leave the door open? Can I run back down?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, You're a halfling right Emily.

Speaker 4:

I am a halfling.

Speaker 2:

This halfling has done a series of drugs that I clearly have never heard of before.

Speaker 1:

I forget that Bruce is playing Avanel right now. I was like why is Archie in here?

Speaker 4:

I won't lie, I definitely did run across the mushrooms during my travels.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, okay. So you're running down the stairs, osiris Rat. He's made it to the far side, sat down going back to this book. Sardo is waddling down behind you and he yells down the stairs Avanel, the rat is after you, it's going to do the same to you and go after your nipples Instead of doing what he just said.

Speaker 4:

Tanner, you did say that all of the cells are like there's bars in between each room.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, like it's just, it's a straight up. You know no stone walls between each cell. It is bars between each cell. So I mean you could easily traverse through the cells.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to run into the first cell on my side and just scurry my way through whoever's in that one and big, strong man and then into my under my bed.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so that first cell would have been empty, because then it's strong man, so you go into, you pass by and, of course, half work strong guy. He saw you turn into a rat, so he's very aware. But I mean you, can you go by him and you could just see the love in his eyes?

Speaker 4:

I would like to peek out from underneath my bed once I get there and just like hold up my finger to my like rat lips and go shh.

Speaker 7:

Yes, I will be quiet.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, you got it. Big guy. You're being much too loud for jail. Please quiet down. Sorry, I'm trying to read as well. Thank you.

Speaker 7:

It's my faunce's nap time.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yes, whatever it is you just said.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

Yes, sorry, did not mean to loud it up.

Speaker 5:

Love you, and he tucked himself back in the corner.

Speaker 4:

Oh, no, okay.

Speaker 5:

Sardo. Sardo, at this point pulls up his pants. He saw kind of where you went in the direction that you went to and saw you go into your cell. So he's going to fix his stuff up and say hey, hey you wake up, can rats talk?

Speaker 4:

Like can I talk?

Speaker 5:

I thought you've changed back. Oh, you did a rat hand. I did a rat hand. Tell them it's just under the bed.

Speaker 4:

Can. I still talk in my wild shape. I think I can right.

Speaker 5:

It depends. I think maybe like there's like a thing that lets you do that, but I don't think so.

Speaker 4:

Okay, unwild shape in my bed.

Speaker 5:

Hey, I said, get up. He will not unlock the cage. Instead, he will take something out of his pocket and just throw it at you.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I'm going to act, sardo and go. What are you doing?

Speaker 5:

There's a rat in your cell and we need you to eradicate it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

Osyrus starts to look under.

Speaker 4:

She pulls up her blankets to look under the blankets. She looks around. I don't see a rat here, are you sure?

Speaker 5:

Yes, rats are known to climb into orifices.

Speaker 4:

Oh well, these orifices are not ratful. Shake out your bed now. Okay, I do so I. Osyrus shakes out her bed. She shows him that there is no rat. Um, I heard you got hit on the head pretty hard, is, are you okay? I didn't get hit on the head, I'm fine. Mark, did you hit him on the head, excuse?

Speaker 2:

me? Did one of you prisoners assaults my fellow guardsman?

Speaker 5:

He tripped yeah, see, okay, yes, no, this one over here, the elf, uh, did it.

Speaker 3:

Mark is deep in trance. He's kind of just like sitting like old, old, old monk style hands out. You know, just kind of he's tranced out.

Speaker 2:

Having a flaps the book shut and tucks it away. Hey, hey, steps up to Mark Barg cell.

Speaker 4:

Is that my book?

Speaker 2:

He's going to die.

Speaker 4:

Is he still playing our, our vinyl?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Every time I want some back, I'll give him back, but it's like so so that one, the elf, you handle the halfling I'll handle legally, Legally, legally nothing cruder or that would get us in any sort of trouble. But I need.

Speaker 2:

You have to explain that as somewhat telling, sardo.

Speaker 5:

I've never. I have every bit of the no. I'm just saying, because you cut, because you were worried about me stripping upstairs because there was a rat on my body. I would never do anything untoward to any prisoners. All right, I believe you. You know what. Any points at you? Osiris, you deal with the rat. I don't care if it's in there, and then it's your problem now. But yeah, this guy did, he did. He wanted to like shake my hand and I was like okay, after a bit, like I didn't agree to it at first, but then I did and he pulled me and smacked my noggin against the bars.

Speaker 2:

Well, what did we learn, Sardo?

Speaker 3:

Never trust a criminal, mark Barg says, without opening his eyes or moving.

Speaker 2:

I have no just kind of gestures to Mark Barg like yeah, sorry.

Speaker 4:

Mark, I didn't mean to rat you out.

Speaker 2:

However, this will be put on your record when we go to court. Mark Mark, by Smo, I believe so. Fortunately, this is another infraction against you among the myriad oh wow, quite many here. Anyway, having all rolls back up the parchment. Don't worry, sardo, we'll bring this up when he goes to court.

Speaker 4:

My disappointment is immeasurable. Thank you, Avonel.

Speaker 5:

So just as a question, this book, what's Sardio at the book?

Speaker 4:

Um why?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I can't read it. Are you asking Osiris or are you asking Avril Lavigne?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's definitely written in draconic and so, technically, no, it's not written in some unreadable language, as you said before, but quite interesting.

Speaker 4:

Well, most people can't read.

Speaker 5:

A lot of people can read no, no, no, no.

Speaker 4:

Artoria has a very good school system. It's a great school system. Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 5:

Okay, good conversation, avonel, we'll just. I mean, we just go back up. There's no reason for you to read down here. It's bad for your eyes, man, just bad. And Sardo turns around and starts walking back up the stairs.

Speaker 4:

So anyway, can I have my book. It's a good read also, but I need it for sending letters to my family.

Speaker 2:

Well see, I can read it, so when I find an address, I'll send you a letter for you. I haven't found one yet, though. Okay, and also, it really doesn't help your case to lie to the person you asked to favor for.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding. You can have the book right now here you go.

Speaker 6:

I would never lie, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

Tanner said the characters we played last time. I'm at least trying to be like.

Speaker 5:

You're doing a very good job.

Speaker 2:

I approve Staging asshole player.

Speaker 1:

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. Well, that's my job. See, I'm the asshole player, you're the good boy.

Speaker 5:

Okay, yes, so Avanel is considering heading back upstairs and leaving with your book. Unless you can give a way to coerce him and you're going to have to try very hard, because he is to the book very you know he's going to do what he's supposed to do.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Avanel, please, have you ever had a possession that was very, very valuable to you?

Speaker 2:

Tanner, has Avanel ever had a possession that is very, very valuable to him?

Speaker 5:

Yes, Avanel immediately thinks of the. It's kind of like a patch, something that has been sewn for him by his mother in Everatum. He keeps it on him at all times. It is currently in his pocket and it's actually it's a patch of very particular leaf that grows on the trees around there, on the beetle bow trees.

Speaker 4:

It's a one of a kind book and it means a lot to me. It's all of my journeys ever and it's got very important things like letters and or I'm sorry addresses to my family and I just it would be a good read for me too while I'm routing away in this page.

Speaker 2:

So you need fancy spell words in this book. Maybe, that's up to you. I'm asking because if he's able to read your conic, he would know if there's like oh, if it's got spells in it, that's the.

Speaker 4:

I do have the spells of my knowledge in there.

Speaker 5:

So the one thing with Druids is most of their stuff isn't going to be written down spells, it's things that you just know and then cast. So, yeah, avanel wouldn't necessarily directly know that, but but Emily Osiris would know whether or not, like, if there are certain things that she wanted to remember in there that she wouldn't keep to heart, then sure. But as far as like mechanics go, your Druids don't need that kind of spell focus or written down spells like wizards do.

Speaker 4:

Fair, fair, fair, fair, fair. Nope, just a bunch of stuff I like and it's very valuable. It's one of a kind it was given to me by a, a, a person.

Speaker 2:

You don't even know the person's name.

Speaker 4:

No, no no, I do Very, very, from what I could tell, very powerful person that was expecting me. I don't know them personally, but he gave me a lot of knowledge and the book it's very, very important to me.

Speaker 5:

So at this point you can go ahead and roll Persuasion.

Speaker 4:

Let me roll that Persuasion 11 plus 1, so 12.

Speaker 5:

Avanel is not convinced.

Speaker 2:

I apologize, but I'm not going to be able to give you this book. However, if I do find addresses, I'll write them down and bring them to you, and you can tell me what you would like to send to them, and I'll be happy to have it sent.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

That's him closing the book.

Speaker 4:

I cry myself to sleep.

Speaker 5:

All right, we're going to shift over to six. Six, we're going to go into a couple days now that we've been here. Six you have been held up in this cell. They are doing a bunch of experiments on you. They have finally opened up your head plate and start tinkering around up there and with what they're touching and the tools that they're using. Your synapses are firing and it is very difficult for you to maintain that. Your composition, to not start doing your random word vomit and this has strange you so much all of these different experiments that they're doing to try and figure out what actually makes you run that there is a split in your mind, two things happening at once. You are completely present for all of these experiments, but you are having another flashback as Jason and because we're doing all this, very weird very strange.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to let you tell me what the flashback is, and then we're going to determine how fucked up Jason is.

Speaker 1:

So it's Jason as a teenager.

Speaker 5:

Okay, all right, he has the beginnings of a mustache.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he has the beginnings of a mustache. It's not quite as beautiful as it has become, even on six, but it is the beginnings of it. It's kind of one of those you know you know those shitty mustaches you have in high school where you're like super proud of it, but it's like four hairs on your lip. You're like look at my mustache, Look at it, Look at it.

Speaker 6:

Yeah me right now, there's 12.

Speaker 1:

It's Jason as a teenager, and he is in whatever high school is in this world. I don't know what they would call it. It's like Academy.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, well, yeah, jason would probably would have been to, he's just started.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's just started castor haven. Okay, he's just started castor haven. Instead of, instead of going that far back in high school, he's just started Kevin saving maybe 18 to 20, something like that, and he is just now discovering the idea of robotics and soul linking and this kind of thing.

Speaker 5:

Okay, all right, so you're just now thinking about that. What's the, what's the moral conundrum that we're going to have to run into?

Speaker 1:

I, so he's been thinking about it for a few months and he meets his. He meets his mentor at the time, who is his also. His professor names Argo Malcott and never heard of him. Who's?

Speaker 7:

that guy.

Speaker 1:

They are having a discussion and this is when it clicks that there is no soul link without human sacrifice.

Speaker 5:

Jason is just coming to terms with this for the first time and the question is is how much his moral compass has developed, you know, in this in his early Academy experience? Does he now thinking about this? Does he start trying to figure it out, trying to do experimentations, and what's the limit on things that he tests on? No, he is appalled.

Speaker 1:

Okay, he does not start doing this right now. He is absolutely appalled. He completely shuts the idea out of his head in his early 20s.

Speaker 5:

Okay, all right. So yeah, he shuts it out, goes, continues going about his school. What I want from you is to go ahead and roll me a d20, please.

Speaker 1:

That is a 17 on dice. Am I adding anything or just 17?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

You, like I said before, seeing these two scenes, scenes simultaneously the one where you're six and being operated on, the one where you are Jason, starting to think about what it might take to do things and then finding it appalling. The strangest sensation is that you've become used to a certain idea of Jason as six and this early sort of not naive, but this heart that exists you as six feel more related to. It is something that feels real within the current time. Your head, your mind, splits for a moment and it pulls apart this young Jason six entity and sets it in its core. But surrounding it is this haze of everything else that you've learned.

Speaker 5:

As Jason and these black tendrils start to come out from where they're working, these scientists are like in real time, real time. These scientists are immediately surprised this is, this is new. What did you hit? Something? Did something spark? Did you make a connection in there? No, sir, there was nothing that I saw. We need to. We need to open further. Let's figure out what this is coming from. So they begin to split open some of your metal seams, pull them back a bit and you can't tell what they see. But the one scientist who's been doing most of the talking says curious, I wonder why stone?

Speaker 2:

Hello, dear listeners, from coast to coast, from one side of the world to the other. It's me, archie, as you heard, and I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you for taking your time to listen to our story. I know how valuable time is. I really hope you love it every second. I hope you're able to lose yourself in it from time to time, and I really hope you're having a gig or everybody but me. No, I hope you haven't a gig with me too. With that being said, the next leg of our adventure will be out on August 28th. I hope you're there to receive it. You can find it on any of your streaming platforms that you are capable of using.

Speaker 2:

Now, one more very important thing. I am personally putting the word out that I have begun recruiting again, but it's not for the black walls brigade, oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's for much more entertaining cause and much more chaotic reason and much more entertaining purpose. You see, the door punches. Guild of Atoria is looking for strong strikers of entrance barring devices If you head down to the old warehouse located at anotherbrotherscom.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's an odd address, not that you usually have numbers. Ah, what the hell. Why don't you get there? Find the merch tab. I guess that's the name of the quartermaster. Hmm, you know what? I bet Sixset hold this up. Anyway, whatever, for every guild tabard you collect, it's one more mile. We get to keep churning. One more story brought to you, one more finger to the crown and another kick in the Adley bollocks, which we all know is the most important part. I'll start bothering you and I want to say thank you again for joining us. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the day's adventures. So we're going to get back to the shenanigans, and we all know where the saying goes, don't we? I PUNCH THE DOOR.

Speaker 5:

Oh, this might be the time where I have not yet mentioned that everyone did level up to level six, so welcome to that portion of the podcast.

Speaker 3:

Oh shit, I forgot to do that y'all.

Speaker 5:

Whoopsie I also did. It's all. I don't know. It's completely necessary. It might not be necessary this time around.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully this solution to this puzzle that Tanner's laid out in front of us is not fight our way out of the entire city of Port Waiwera.

Speaker 5:

Archie, you've gotten used to the sounds of the boots of the guards that bring you food. Can you know now what Anias Hadley's boots sound like when he comes? Very expensive, this pair of footsteps is new. You can tell that they walk with a certain confidence as they come to your door and the slot on your cell opens up and you hear a voice say Hello, Uncle Ready.

Speaker 2:

What are you doing here?

Speaker 5:

All these years you recognize my voice eh.

Speaker 2:

I'd never forget a voice of any of you.

Speaker 5:

I appreciate that I am. I'm here for answers Because that I want, before Hadley gets his way.

Speaker 2:

Alright, ask away.

Speaker 5:

I wanna know, were you there when my dad died?

Speaker 2:

No, ready I wasn't, and that's why his death is my responsibility, because I was supposed to be the person who never, ever let him get hurt.

Speaker 5:

Oh don't worry about it. My mum blames you too. So you've got enough vitriol.

Speaker 2:

Well, I blame myself.

Speaker 5:

I just I was curious. I was hoping that you were there because I wanted to tell me exactly how it looked. Because I never saw his body. We didn't get to bury it. I've lost my brother. I've lost my mum. He's gone batshit crazy and the only thing that I want is to see Ineos fucking dead and get my brother out of that situation. You know he adopted him right, Just as a final nail in the coffin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I heard something like that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I haven't seen him in five years.

Speaker 2:

So since the beginning.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, took him quick, Got some sick and twisted I don't know. Yeah, he came after me too. He tried to give me the work for him. Sent his guys roughed me up a bit. Do you see yourself getting out of here again?

Speaker 2:

You know what your dad used to say you don't bet against Cromwells.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I like that so much.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, dad always knew, dad always knew. Listen, I've got some things set up. I can cause some commotion, but I've got to get in contact with some people, what you need from me.

Speaker 2:

You know, reggie, I could tell you to stay out of this. Let me handle it, and I could tell you a million reasons why, but I know exactly how you feel right now, exactly how you feel, and while you and your brother and your mother can blame me and I take full responsibility for it the fact is, I have not stopped seeing your father's face when I go to sleep for the last five years. You can do whatever it is that you feel you need to do, because I am not the smart one, and I'm not going to tell you what to do. You're grown now. What I am going to tell you, though, is, if you begin down this road and you have the crown's eye on you, it never ends. There's no going legit. There's no escaping. It will find you. You have to make that decision for yourself, just like James made it for himself. However, I will say this If you decide to get involved well, you know the song we used to sing, and I assure you, hadley Blood will be spilled.

Speaker 5:

He laughs In a good way and you can hear him move through his clothes and pull something out and he slides his hand through the opening and in his hand is a dagger and he's offering it to you.

Speaker 2:

How many more of those you got?

Speaker 5:

They pat me down pretty good, so just the one. I mean I've got plenty more, but this is the only one I had in here.

Speaker 2:

Can you see in here, reggie? Can you see through the slot? Reggie looks down, reggie rages and changes his hands and he says in a kind of more guttural voice I'm not going to need that when I make my move. Ok, fine, before you get involved, you need to see who you were getting involved with.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we'll find a doctor for that. He pulls his hand back and as he does, you can see that there is a message written on the blade and the message reads as he's pulling his hand out, the court is watching and he slides the shutter close and walks off. Fuck.

Speaker 1:

Say what? Hmm, why that man got a court.

Speaker 2:

Ok, I mean, it makes sense Okie dokie.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we're getting out of here, baby.

Speaker 5:

All right, Mark Bark you have been in your trance for a few hours now, trying to shut out the sadness in the room.

Speaker 4:

I'm asleep, ok, thank you.

Speaker 5:

And has it been four hours? Yeah, it's been four hours.

Speaker 3:

All right. So I've taken a long rest. Not that it would matter, we're just in prison.

Speaker 1:

I'd better say we've been here for days.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've taken long, we've taken a long rest after a long rest after a long rest.

Speaker 1:

We've got full health baby, let's go.

Speaker 5:

So you're in your cell. There are a couple of options of things that you can do. The question is just what are you doing? We do have one more person in this cell that can be a valuable asset if you'd like to use anything there or attempt to ask one of the guards to send out contact. You're the only one that hasn't pissed them off in this vicinity. Never mind, you did piss them off. You get no privileges.

Speaker 3:

I definitely pissed off Sardo yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I wouldn't expect so.

Speaker 4:

What I think would be more interesting.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

What I think would be more interesting right now is the talk to the Eldridge Entertainer.

Speaker 1:

Got it, entity you reach out.

Speaker 5:

What do you say?

Speaker 3:

All right, we've gotten out of a lot of predicaments before. What do we do from here?

Speaker 5:

The entity does not respond, not because you haven't made a connection, but like you reach out with that and sometimes you get the feeling of emotion connection between the two of you and you just kind of feel disappointment. Who is this guy?

Speaker 2:

Mark Mark's dad. Yeah, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. I am so disappointed in you.

Speaker 3:

They have not cut off the connection, however, so no good ideas of your own, huh.

Speaker 7:

I have so many good ideas.

Speaker 3:

But none to share with me we work so hard to get so far.

Speaker 5:

God damn it. But in the end I did not mean to.

Speaker 6:

It just even mattered.

Speaker 5:

All right, okay.

Speaker 7:

Look, I have cut through magical barriers for you. That's just about energy and magic and shit. These are steel bars.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

Oh boy.

Speaker 3:

So magical barriers are okay, but physical steel bars. That's where you draw a line. You'd need jet fuel. Oh my god. Oh, you're ridiculous Jet fuel doesn't melt steel bars. Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

Half-orc big guy, half-orc big guy. It was an inside job, it was the strawberries.

Speaker 5:

Oh god, okay, oh bushes, oh, I like it very good, took me a second, you wait, you okay?

Speaker 2:

Oh shit Alright cut that, so we don't all get killed.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm fucking leaving it in. I'm dying for it.

Speaker 1:

No, we're leaving that. It's pretty good, that's so good.

Speaker 3:

He committed suicide with two shotgun shells blasted to the back of the head.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 6:

This is a real high and low episode man a lot of shit.

Speaker 2:

I just inhaled that sprite.

Speaker 7:

That's painful, yeah, what would you propose that I do, I mean you pull me out. We try and cut these bars. You try and run out, meet a whole bunch of guards, get cut down and die.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, something told me you might be a little useless in this circumstance. Whoa, whoa, hey, hey.

Speaker 7:

You're so. Oh, okay, I see what you're trying to do. Yeah, I'm totally useless.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, you have no power other than just to. You're just going to attract attention. It's really not going to be any sort of use to us, anything you could do now, yeah, you're right, You're just a big purple energy, lots of shotgun shit.

Speaker 7:

I mean I'm just some eldritch being who granted you all your power, so but yeah, it would be very suspicious.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're so powerful. Except here we are stuck in a jail cell together.

Speaker 7:

Are you trying to use some sort of reverse psychology on me, like ah, actually I can emit this immense power and blow up the back wall. Stone ain't got nothing on me. Is that what we're trying to do here?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, I wasn't asking, but if you got that, I mean I'm down for it. I'd love to see it.

Speaker 7:

It would actually kill you. You are my conduit in this world. Any way that I have to do that would be so draining. You know, every time that you cut through some magical barrier I take a little bit more right. So if we did this you'd probably die and then I'd be stuck here as whatever sword that someone else might come up and grab and I don't really trust, you know, crying girl over there or the two guards that have been down here, or halfling book nerd, or the dummy over on the side.

Speaker 7:

Though I mean you know the half work might be dumb, but I bet he could swing me.

Speaker 4:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, why did that sound so sexual?

Speaker 7:

Because, we swung a night boy Because we swung daddy.

Speaker 3:

Well, it seems like if anyone has a decent chance of pulling us out of this predicament, it's going to be me, so I'm probably better off not dead, so we won't blast through the wall. We'll wait for a better opportunity for me to pull us out of this, because you're just useless.

Speaker 7:

Oh thanks, yeah, fuck you. But well, we're a real mature sword, Alright, I was going to try and have an actual serious conversation with you now because, um, I don't know if you felt it, but, uh, I got a little tingling, Do?

Speaker 6:

you feel that?

Speaker 7:

The pull of something familiar.

Speaker 3:

I thought I might have heard something, but I've been trying to ignore it.

Speaker 7:

I think it's a piece. There's a couple of things that we might be able to do. If given the opportunity. If there's enough of uh people around, we might be able to let off something big and really fuck some people up, but you know innocence will be on your conscience.

Speaker 3:

The innocence will suffer, if that's what it takes to find the pieces.

Speaker 7:

That's what I thought you'd say. Alright, I'll give you uh, I'll push you and everything that I've got out until until you reach your uh well, until it's almost done and I sap everything from you. I won't kill you. I need you, but I'll make sure we get out. I've just gotta use this time, build up some power, take it from some dark places I still have connections to. It's gonna hurt Mark Bark.

Speaker 6:

A lot.

Speaker 3:

Just leave a few breaths for me.

Speaker 5:

Alright, and then the connection is severed.

Speaker 2:

Nice, Okay. Yeah, I was gonna say, didn't you totally say fuck that dwarf kid, or that dwarf doing the cave? So that's, you should totally be like fuck these innocent people too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's kind of like that's what I was trying to sort out there. For a second I was like, okay, hold on, let's think about Mark Bark's motivations real quick and like how, like he's not an altruistic guy you know what I mean Like he's what are the pieces, mark?

Speaker 1:

Bark are looking for. What are they? What are the pieces? What are the pieces that Mark Bark are looking for, what they look like?

Speaker 3:

What do you mean? What do you mean? What the fuck?

Speaker 1:

they look like. They look like maybe a, maybe a stone.

Speaker 2:

I knew he was gonna say that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's keep going.

Speaker 5:

Good question.

Speaker 2:

The Eldritch being his dorm light. No, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 5:

First they come down for Osiris and Mark Bark. It is the set of guards that took Archie away previously, but with them is also our good friends Sardo and Avonel of Everatom. This group of about eight guards escorts the two of you up and out of the cell.

Speaker 7:

As you leave, half-orc strong guy yells out I love you, I'll find you, we'd be married forever and then have, I guess, average-sized babies.

Speaker 4:

What the fuck. Okay, see you soon.

Speaker 7:

Completely normal babies. They'll be green, though, like their dad.

Speaker 5:

Do you say anything, you just say okay.

Speaker 4:

Okay, see you later. Say it back. I've only known you for like a week.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

Destiny might bring us together again soon, but we will see. Bye. Close enough.

Speaker 7:

Okay, we're gonna cut from this.

Speaker 5:

You're brought out of the holding cell. You're brought back up into the place where Sardo tried to smack you around with a broom. Osiris, on that bookshelf you do see a purple leather-bound book.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I can't grab it, what am I gonna do? They're just gonna take it from me. I make mental note of where it is.

Speaker 1:

They make big rolls in D&D. There's like a slide of hand, a slide of hand.

Speaker 4:

You really want me to try a slide of hand in front of eight people. I'll try it.

Speaker 2:

So this is the case, right? Like they're going to be tried. Okay, so then how does Port Wawerth do sentencing? Like, if they're sentenced to death, do they just go right to the gallows and die? Is that how this is gonna?

Speaker 5:

work. So you would know that. Yeah, so basically, for high-profile cases that have connected or have had enough media attention which you've been told multiple times, this is in all the papers they'll make a spectacle of it, especially depending on who the judge is. And I mean, we already know who the judge is. You know that Glyam's felic. He sentenced you to be in prison because they wanted you to rot. But now you know, like, if they're saying that they're gonna kill you, it's day of.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, so in that case I'm gonna do something and we can rip it out later if we want. But oh, one second Sado. Here's your book, You're not?

Speaker 5:

gonna come back for it oh you're playing. Avenue. Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, you probably aren't going to return here to get it later. So what constellation that is.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, I like constellations.

Speaker 2:

Nice, all right, so yeah, you said Avenue was just doing his job, so it's like I figured there's probably no enmity there for this.

Speaker 5:

Yep, and he didn't. He found some interesting things in there. I'm not gonna tell you what they are, but it wasn't enough to keep hold of the book.

Speaker 1:

Let's give a golf clap for Bruce playing Avenue. Bruce, well done, very nice.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, All right so yeah, I'm dabbing, not bowing.

Speaker 5:

Avonel does give you a book back due to the you know fact that he knows probably what's gonna happen to you. Respect, okay, thank you. At about the same time, guards are coming back for you, archie. You can hear their boots marching through the hallway and they make you so.

Speaker 2:

So I can tell, here are numerous boots. I imagine not one this time.

Speaker 5:

Numerous boots. All right, yeah, you can. I mean you can make out they're putting six people on you. He stands up and he starts stretching.

Speaker 2:

All right, I guess it's time to get this show on the road.

Speaker 5:

They open up your cell and they usher you out.

Speaker 2:

Hello boys, good to see you again.

Speaker 5:

All right, look no funny business. This is directly to the courthouse and you do anything we have the authority to. I mean, chain you up all over. It'll be pretty unpleasant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess I would like to keep my dignity up until the end. How about a song, though?

Speaker 5:

A couple of guys sigh no song. Nobody answers.

Speaker 2:

All right Fine.

Speaker 5:

One guy in the back goes, I could hear your song. It's kind of dank.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, my brother in the back, yeah, tell your mums and fathers lock their doors today. Tell your sons and daughters stay out of our way, for if they don't, they'll be held to pay because the wolves are out and we're looking for a prey. Tell your sons and daughters stay out of our way. Tell your mums and fathers lock their doors today, for if they don't, they'll be held to pay because the wolves are out and the blood will spray.

Speaker 5:

The guy in the back goes yeah, and the guard that's kind of heading and gave you the orders earlier he just punches you square in the stomach just to get you to stop. We'll move over to six. They'll start bringing you down the hallway, archie, and actually they'll take a different path than what they took before, and a few more guards will join and they will go down in this odd looking area, one that you've never seen in a jail cell. You've probably been in jail a couple of times, archie.

Speaker 5:

I'm imagining no, I'm an innocent man, innocent man, but they go into this kind of you could tell it's a newer wing and they open up this, or they first knock on this door and six outside you hear the knocking. You have been sealed back up, they've put plates back in, they've taken some parts out of you, however, and you do not feel well. They go to open the door and the scientist that's been working on you says this one is property of the college. Now they won't be going to trial, not even a humanoid, I mean. It's just, it's a machine. I hear this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you hear that. Hey, what'd you do to Six Archie?

Speaker 1:

Archie, dave, taking me apart.

Speaker 2:

Oh, all right, I guess I'll add their name to the list then. Yeah, probably Don't worry, you two, I got your face. You'll be seeing a Cromwell again. Let's go, boys.

Speaker 5:

The head guard that's there with you says no, no, that's not going to cut it. I mean, this is all, this is all justice. You can have them afterwards. I mean, you know what the sentence is going to be. You can have them the thing afterwards. You've got to go to the court.

Speaker 1:

I do have feelings. You don't have to talk to me like I'm not a person. I don't really feel well right now, though. What did you take from me?

Speaker 5:

I want you to roll religion for me, please.

Speaker 1:

Claire, without good religion, let's go. Dude, I don't know what's been up with my dice. That is a 19 on dice. I'm pretty sure it's plus zero, and it is it's a plus zero.

Speaker 5:

You don't know exactly what they took. You can feel a space in your head and with that religion role, you can feel a detachment to whatever beings gods, ascendants that give you your power, and kind of an absence of will, an absence of conscience, because they've taken a part of your soul.

Speaker 1:

Would I have spoken to Archie the way that I did? Yes, that's fine. So I still have a conscience a little bit. I'm still aware.

Speaker 5:

So the deal with us talking about the split that you had earlier. You can feel in your head a portion of your sanity being held in the portion that was six and was a young Jason who was appalled by the experiments that older Jason made in the future. But that barrier that's keeping it sealed is that lack of care for other human life. Other Jason, who made all of this possible, made your existence currently possible. That piece of you is protecting who six is at his core and you can tell that that's the last piece that's holding you all together and if that splits you don't know what's going to become of six.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you're going to take a shit ton of psychic damage. Just the point.

Speaker 1:

Did they put my helmet back on?

Speaker 5:

The main guard says look, I will sanction the two of you. Put him back together as best you can. He's coming now. The head scientist says fine, fine, and they start riveting you back together, putting your cap back on, you know, your steel plate back on the back of your head and lifting you up. It's very difficult for you to stand on your own, so they kind of usher you to the door as you walk slowly in that direction.

Speaker 2:

RG and a sing, a song voice says oh, don't worry, you might get away from him, but I'll find you.

Speaker 5:

They usher six out and slam the door.

Speaker 1:

Did I see tendrils coming out when they were doing stuff? Or did? I would have not.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I mean they could have wrapped around.

Speaker 1:

Sure, okay, all right, I'm just going to keep that knowledge. I'm not going to say anything. Well, rg, I don't feel the same. They've definitely done something to me. I guess let's go to court and we'll work this out as it goes.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry, six, it'll all get sorted out in the end.

Speaker 5:

All right, the two groups eventually meet up as you're walking down these stone corridors and now the four of you are back together, surrounded by a few guards left from either posse, and you're surrounded by 10 guards that are leading you through the halls here and Archie, you know in the direction of the courtroom.

Speaker 2:

You guys ready for our big break? Archie looks around to the other three.

Speaker 1:

So there's a couple of interesting things I need to tell you about Archie. You can go first, though you are surrounded by guards, mind you. Can we talk to each other in a hushed tone?

Speaker 2:

We're shoulder to shoulder with guards.

Speaker 1:

I'll say what I need to say in a very discrete manner. You say that out loud.

Speaker 5:

Yes, okay, all right, no one's stopping you currently, saint Sebastian says hello.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry what Archie says between his humbings.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's the best way that I can put what I might have. Also, there was a stone in my head. I think they removed it.

Speaker 2:

All right. So what does that have to do with anything?

Speaker 1:

Well, they were operating on me and I saw the black tendrils come out of my head.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, the reverse. They did what they were operating on you.

Speaker 1:

Correct. And then they said something about why a stone. I didn't see anything. I was kind of in split realities. That's a different story, jason wasn't so bad.

Speaker 5:

Now, cyrus and Mark Bark, you are there too.

Speaker 3:

I lean over and say Saint Sebastian is that the talking bird guy?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, that guy. Well, he's not the talking bird, so he's actually, I guess, some acolyte or some forgotten something or other, but he's the one who sent the bird. Yeah, it's that guy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, right, right.

Speaker 4:

I don't know this guy.

Speaker 3:

No it was crazy. Some bird landed in front of us and told us a whole story. It was. It blew my mind.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely insane. You'll probably see him soon, don't worry, he's a great guy, except when he asks you to make deals with him. But you know, I just don't like making deals with people.

Speaker 1:

I don't when they remove that stone. I don't feel whole. I don't understand what that was all about, but I think that was my connection to the other stones.

Speaker 3:

This stone, you think it was the same type as the one in the bag.

Speaker 1:

That's my working theory. I have no again. I did not see it. I just heard them say something about a stone. It's a working theory. I hypothesis, if you will. It's no longer in me.

Speaker 3:

So what does that mean for the black tendrils that would surround your face when the stone was around? Oh, I have no clue, gotcha.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll come out of that stone and eat those two scientists. Wouldn't that be nice?

Speaker 1:

That would be very good. I don't like those guys. They weren't very talkative, nor very nice. I tried to tell them stories. They didn't respond to any of them for weeks. It was pretty annoying.

Speaker 2:

They're not going to be responding much after I find them again, so it's alright, six don't worry.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't have any qualms with that for once.

Speaker 5:

Eventually, four of you are brought to the two large wooden doors that lead into the courtroom. They swing the doors open and we find ourselves in the scene that I described in the last episode. The honorable Judge Glyam Svelik presides over the court. It is full, the pews are filled, the gallery is filled with a lot of people you know and had some minor rivalries with Archie, a lot of the other gangs, archie's waving, and there are a few other faces as you look around in here. The first you recognize very easily over on the right is Aaron Azure. He is sitting there in his seat next to four saders. You recognize these as the saders you gave the coins to.

Speaker 3:

What the fuck are they doing there?

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, I know, I know what they're doing there.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit, they all have coins, okay, alright.

Speaker 2:

Somebody else was watching too. Will they all have?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Shit Okay.

Speaker 3:

Alright, proceed.

Speaker 5:

Okay, also in attendance. Over on the left side, boogie man. Over on the left side is Boogie man. No, over on the left side is Elias Finch.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Outside is the smoke monster looking in through a window.

Speaker 6:

They're right next to.

Speaker 5:

Elias Finch To his right is Reggie Cromwell.

Speaker 4:

Oh is Young Denzel there.

Speaker 5:

Young Denzel is not there.

Speaker 1:

Damn it, he's not part of the Corridor Jester Otherwise there'd be another dead young he is a part of the Corridor.

Speaker 5:

Well, last you know he was part of the Corridor Jester.

Speaker 1:

RIP YD Only been like a month.

Speaker 4:

Both YDs are dead, oh no, no, no, young Denzel, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I said he can't be here or he would die. That's what I said.

Speaker 4:

Everybody hashtag Justice for YD in Twitter. Tweet us Justice for YD.

Speaker 5:

And I think that has covered everyone that was mentioned. That you guys know of Six. You mentioned a couple other people in when you were talking to scientists.

Speaker 2:

10 out of 10 questions. Yeah, go ahead. Is the orphanage mother there, miss Annalise?

Speaker 5:

Yes, she is in attendance. I will give you that as well, for Ilya Kromwell, your brother's wife is not in attendance. Yeah, I assume that much, but but you do like I said in the last episode. You do see the two Hadley Sons in quotes. You see Elliot, maxwell, and then you see Victor as well, the adopted son.

Speaker 2:

Archie's going to give the actual Hadley Sons some squinty eyes.

Speaker 1:

This nudges everybody in this party.

Speaker 2:

Six. Let me do the talking.

Speaker 1:

Okay, have you? Did you see what I? Okay, alright, everybody solve what I said. Okay, let's get ready for some fun.

Speaker 4:

I'm just here for the ride. What's the worst that could happen? Okay, you.

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